Sachin Tendulkar Vs Sourav Ganguly
Is always a debatable topic that which is a better player, Sachin or Sourav?
Both have strong batting records and bowling record as well.
They may be two very different characters, but together at the top of India's one day innings they formed an indomitable partnership.
As an opener both men scored their three highest ODI scores.
As openers they both average more than 40 (Tendulkar 48.28 and Ganguly 42.25).
Here we are providing their One Day Internation Cricket Stats.

Who do you think is a better player?
Please vote through comments.
Direct Dil Se
1 – 200 of 230 Newer› Newest»Its better to compare Saurav and Dravid. Schin's stature is way above such comparisons.
Well the numbers are cearly in favor of Sachin if you consider them purely as players. However if you add the leadership dimension then Saurav becomes a more serious contender for comparison with Sachin. So add their captaincy records and filter performances by each under the other's captaincy. This will tell you what kind of performances each could extract from the other
If you deduct 148 match in which Saurav was Indian captain, certainly he can be shown to be at per. He made 6000,7000,8000 run in shortest possible ODI but after that his performance dipped to bottom because of pressure of captaincy...
Sachin is GOD of cricket dont comapre GOD with human being
Congress culture different to Communist culture for countries.
Ex: Gandhi vs Bose
Sachin vs Sorav
Can anybody tell or compare who is the best?
if sachin is god then tell him to play with gods n not human beings..
saurav took india to the finals, has captained for more than 200 matches n still few bloody fools questions his strength..
he is the best captain ever in the history of this country n ur god was no good..
even ur god required a leader to reach worldcup finals...
so u better be humble n polite then being arrogant.
sachin is the best compared to sourav. Sourav played very well for few years, but is playing from a very long time i.e. from past 19 years and if we talk about consistency, nobody else can maintain it like sachin. So I in my opinion SACHIN is far better than SOURAV. And also one more thing is that sachin cannot be compared with any other player in the world. He is much ahead from all cricketing legends. Simply he is the best.
Sachin is awesome. He is the best batsman in the world. He has contributed a lot to Indian cricket than any other player. So ultimately he should be the legend of Indian Cricket. I agree that Sourav is a great leader and more aggressive sportsman. But, the batsman who entertained us for a very long time is one & only Sachin Tendulkar. I enjoyed his batting right from the beggining of his career, and seems to be he is the best in all the years except one or two. He is master blaster. He even showed the world of cricket that a person can achieve almost all the records in cricket even if he is physically not so strong. His shots are technical. He is brilliant batsman. He won't use much power to hit boundaries. He is cheeky and plays without taking much risk. SACHIN IS BEST.
Sourav was a great captain. However, he was greatly helped by the heroics of Sachin in World Cup,2003. Quite similar, to the fact that Arjuna flourished in the battle being largely helped by Lord Krishna.
Sourav was good & arrogant. Sachin is greatest & down-to-earth ----no comparison.
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If you are an avid fitness walker or have been looking for [B][URL=]mbt sandals[/URL][/B] different weight loss methods, than I am sure you have heard of MBT shoes. Also known [B]mbt shoes sale[/B] as the anti-shoe, it is a range of footwear that helps improve posture, work [U]MBT shoes[/U] a lot of different muscle groups, and aids in burning more calories. But the biggest stumbling block [B]discount mbt shoes[/B] for most people when deciding to buy these shoes has [U][B]mbt sneakers[/U][/B] been its price tag of $255. Until recently, only the [U][B]mbt walking shoes[/U][/B] affluent and wealthy could afford these sneakers. Now days though, you [U]mbt discount shoes[/U] can get the same quality styles for more than 40% of what people paid for [U]mbt sneakers[/U] them just a year ago.
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Receiving the anti-shoe at discounted prices is not something that takes very [B]mbt shoes review[/B] long. However, one must implement some simple steps that will help you pinpoint your [B]mbt sneakers[/B] selections. One thing you should do first and foremost is [U][B]mbt shoes review[/U][/B] to know your foot size. Go to any retailer and they will properly measure your width and length for [U]mbt sneakers[/U] you or just use the chart yourself.
After you know your size, start looking on [U][B]MBT[/U][/B] line for some of the best places to buy MBT shoes on the Internet. On the first [B][URL=]footwear etc[/URL][/B] couple pages of Google, you'll find the best on line retailers that sell the anti-shoe, but try adding the words [B]MBT shoes[/B] clearance, discount, on sale to your normal search of "MBT shoes."
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